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Celestial Stones PTP

Amazonite Tumbled Stones

Amazonite Tumbled Stones

Regular price $4.00 AUD
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Alluring shades of Blue - Green, Amazonite is a truly exceptional piece. This powerful stone enhances the throat chakra, allowing you to speak from your heart, and move beyond the fear of judgement or confrontation of other people. 

Also known as the "lucky hope stone" Amazonite is the perfect stone for manifestation, helping you to be bold and brave, and making your dreams become reality. In times of stress Amazonite is there to calm and soothe.

Hold this stone in your possession to attract wealth and good luck, or place this stone in the North area of your home or office, to ensure positive energy flows into your life and career pathways.

Amazonite Polished Tumbled Stones 

Stone  Amazonite
Alternative Names  Amazon Stone 
Form  Polished Tumbled Stones
Colour  Bluish-Green
Chakra  Heart Chakra | Throat Chakra 
Zodiac  Virgo
MOHS  6 - 6.5
Origins  Brazil | Russia | Madagascar | USA

Small <10g

Medium 10g - 20g

Large 20g - 30g

Note Tumbled Stones are intuitively selected, price listed is for each individual piece.
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