Crystal Towers, also known as
Crystal Towers, also known as crystal points or generator crystals, are single, elongated crystals that taper to a point at one end.
While there is no scientific evidence to support the metaphysical claims, many people believe in the healing and energy-enhancing properties of crystal towers.
Here are some potential benefits of using crystal towers as perceived by enthusiasts:
  • Energy Amplification: It is believed Crystal Towers can amplify and project energy from the crystal they are made from. This makes Crystal Towers a useful tool throughout rituals, meditation and energy healing practices.
  • Meditation Aid: During meditation, Crystal Towers can serve as a focal point, allowing the user to concentrate and dive into a deeper meditative state. The shape and energy of Crystal Towers may also assist in calming the mind, overall improving the meditation experience. 
  • Enhancing Intuition And Insight: Crystal Towers are often used to heighten intuition and gain insight into personal situations or challenges. Holding or gazing at a Crystal Tower is believed to facilitate a clearer connection to one's inner wisdom.
  • Protection: It is said the pointed shape on Crystal Towers can act as a barrier working to deflect negative energy or unwanted influences.
  • Decorative And Aesthetic: In addition to the metaphysical properties, Crystal Towers are visually striking and a unique choice for décor throughout your space. Their elegant appearance adds an element of sophistication to any setting. 
If you are looking to buy Crystal Towers online in Australia, explore our crystal shop showcasing a large collection of colours and sizes.
The information provided on crystal healing is based on metaphysical beliefs and is not scientifically proven. It is essential to understand that crystal healing should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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